Parent Link

Saturday, May 16, 2015

7thGrade- Please review this video on Genetics!\

7th Grade- Please observe how to handle fruit flies for our lab.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

8th Grade- please review this video over topographic maps. We'll continue with Topographic maps until Thursday.

7th Grade- Please continue to study for your test over the Solar System and Space Shuttle.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

7th Grade- view this Solar System Video over the holiday. Enjoy your break!!!!
8th Grade- Please review these videos over Continental Drift Rock cycle and Earth's layers during the holiday break.



Monday, December 15, 2014

8th Grade- Review this video and complete your homework. Homework is due Wednesday!!!

7th Grade- Review this video and complete the following questions:

1. The sun is a ________________________.
2. Name the terrestrial planets:

3. Which planet has seasons and an atmosphere and is reddish in color?
4. Which planet has rings made of ice and name its famous moon.

5. Name the gas giants:

6. What gives Neptune it's blue-green color?
7. Name the largest planet.
8. What is a meteor?
9.What is a comet?
10. What is a meteorite?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

8th Grade- Please view this video on Newtons Laws.

Here is another video over Newtons 1st Law- Inertia
7th Grade- Take a look at our amazing Edwards Aquifer. Complete the following Blog homework.

  porosity – the amount of empty space in a rock or other earth substance; this empty space is known as pore space. Porosity is how much water a substance can hold. Porosity is usually stated as a percentage of the material’s total volume.
 permeability – is how well water flows through rock or other earth substance. Factors that affect permeability are how large the pores in the substance are and how well the particles fit together.

7th Grade Homework:
 Go to:

This Excellent video will give you an overview of what groundwater is and how it relates to human interactions!

Answer these questions after viewing the video:

1. How does an aquifer (groundwater) get filled (recharged)?
2. How does water get cleaned before it goes to the aquifer?
3. Where do homes with well's get there drinking water?
4. How does tar and cement keep groundwater from being recharged?
5. List three pollutants that are seeping into the groundwater in the video.
6. List two ways to prevent groundwater/aquifer contamination.
7. What are some ways to conserve water?
8. What can you do to help keep ground water recharged and clean?
9. What ecoregion do we live in?
10. If a tsunami were to hit Texas which ecoregion would it affect?
11. What kind of damage would it cause on the ecoregion?