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Thursday, March 7, 2013

                                                      Spring Break Homework- 8th Grade

Remember atoms are composed of subatomic particles.

1. How are atoms structured?

2. What are the locations, masses and electrical charges of the subatomic particles?

3. Where are valence electrons located?

Protons determine the Atom’s identity.

1. How is the identity of an electron determined?


2. What is the importance of protons?


3. Why are protons used to determine the identity of an element?


4. Draw the Bohr model for the following elements:

 Chlorine                                           Sodium                                                  Iron

       Cl                                                     Na                                                         Fe

The periodic table is arranged by atomic number and shows many trends.

1. What are some patterns (trends) found in the periodic table of elements?

2. How are elements on the periodic table organized?


3. Where are groups located on the periodic table?

4. Where are periods located on the periodic table?




                                           Spring Break Homework- 7th Grade

Radiant energy from the Sun drives the process of photosynthesis.

1. Why does photosynthesis need light energy from the Sun to complete the process?


2. What happens when light (energy) from the Sun is used for the process of photosynthesis?


3. Why is photosynthesis necessary to sustain life on Earth?


4. Where does photosynthesis take place?


5. What is the formula for photosynthesis?

Energy flows through living systems and is passed from one trophic level to another. It is then returned to the environment through cycles.

1. How does energy transfer in living systems?


2. What happens to the energy in matter that is decaying or decomposing?


3. How is energy returned to the enviroment through biomass’?


4. Create an example of a food chain









5. Create an example of a trophic level pyramid.